The State Audit Office of Latvia: 44 audit reports published; 41 public sector audits ongoing


The State Audit Office of Latvia completed 42 audits in 2024: 27 were financial audits [1], 12 were performance audits [2], 2 were compliance audits [3], and one review One interim audit report and one additional audit report have been published during financial audits this year. Work continues in 41 audits, of which 14 are performance audits, one is a compliance audit, one is a review and 25 are financial audits.

“The year 2024 has been an intense year for the State Audit Office of Latvia and has seen significant milestones such as the amendments to the State Audit Office Law have been adopted, as well as a new approach to audit recommendation management has been approved, which focuses on achieved results rather than process control and will allow us to facilitate changes in the public interest even more effectively in the future. As a result of the completed audits, we have raised crucial issues that will improve the management of public resources and increase their transparency. The recommendations made in our audits continue to be a tool for positive change, and we will work to ensure that their implementation does not stop,” emphasised Auditor General Edgars Korčagins.

Audit reports, interim audit report and a review published during the year:

The State Audit Office of Latvia meets with the Saeima Public Expenditure and Audit Committee regularly to discuss the progress of implementing the recommendations identified and provided during audits. The State Audit Office of Latvia also meets with other Saeima Committees to discuss the results of audits and related issues.

Information on the recommendations provided by the State Audit Office of Latvia and the status of their implementation is available to anyone interested on the Recommendation Implementation Platform of the State Audit Office of Latvia. The information is updated there twice a year: on March 1 and September 1. The Platform provides access to recommendations from audits that contain at least one unimplemented recommendation.

Significant investments in the professional development of other supreme audit institutions. This year, the experts from the State Audit Office of Latvia continued to share best practices, organised and conducted training, thus providing support in strengthening the capacity of the Supreme Audit Institutions of Moldova, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, The Gambia and Dominica.

Cooperation with law enforcement and other competent authorities for the application of liability

The State Audit Office of Latvia has the authority to examine how public funds are used, as well as to provide recommendations to improve their management. The State Audit Office of Latvia does not have the right to punish, but according to the law, it must report violations found during audits to the competent authorities and monitor their consideration. This year:

  • Based on the reports of the State Audit Office of Latvia, law enforcement institutions have initiated five criminal proceedings for alleged abuse of official position by paying illegal remuneration, organizing procurements, allowing illegal actions with municipal property, as well as for other potential criminal offenses; 42 criminal proceedings are ongoing (including 15 at the trial stage), which were initiated after audits in previous years;
  • One conviction has entered into force for abuse of official position by paying illegal remuneration;
  • Investigations have been initiated for 23 alleged administrative violations; 8 officials have been held administratively liable;
  • Case management continues in 6 initiated proceedings for compensation for damages caused as a result of illegal actions identified during an audit, and 29,381 euros have been recovered as a result of the compensation case initiated by the Council of the State Audit Office of Latvia.

TOP achievements/ events

About the State Audit Office of Latvia

The State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia is an independent, collegial supreme audit institution. The purpose of its activity is to find out whether the actions with the financial means and property of a public entity are legal, correct, useful and in line with public interests, as well as to provide recommendations for the elimination of discovered irregularities. The State Audit Office conducts audits in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions INTOSAI (ISSAI), whose recognition in Latvia is determined by the Auditor General. Upon discovering deficiencies, the State Audit Office of Latvia provides recommendations for their elimination, but it informs law enforcement authorities about potential infringements of the law.


Additional information

Ms Gunta Krevica

Head of PR and Internal Communication Division

Ph. 23282332 | E-mail:


[1] The State Audit Office of Latvia is required to conduct financial audits by law, and they are carried out in ministries and other central government institutions (except local and regional governments) every year. After financial audits, the State Audit Office of Latvia issues opinions on the accuracy of the annual financial statements of ministries and state institutions. In financial audits, compliance issues are also assessed on a random basis in order to gain confidence about the use of funding in accordance with the purposes and legislation.

[2] A performance audit is an internationally recognized method where, in addition to accounting, financial and legal audits, the achievement of results, as well as economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of the impact of the achieved results are assessed. 

[3] Compliance audits examine whether activities, actions of officials, financial transactions and information comply in all essential aspects with legislation, planning documents and nationally or internationally recognized best practices.