Advisory support to other SAIs

The work of the State Audit Office in the international arena has reached a significantly higher level because we are recognized as a professional, progressive, and modern supreme audit institution that is able to provide and providing advisory support to other supreme audit institutions. The demand for our professional support from the supreme audit institutions of other countries is growing, and our experience and knowledge is highly valued.


Many years ago, the State Audit Office was also a beneficiary, as the supreme audit institutions of developed countries helped us to develop professionally by offering their experience and best practices. This imposes a moral obligation on us to support the supreme audit institutions of countries in transition, both in bilateral cooperation and in international advisory projects.


Why is the State Audit Office competitive and demanded as an adviser?

  • We are professionals and know how to use our knowledge and experience in developing and proposing country-specific solutions.
  • We focus on achieving goals and results instead on processes.
  • We understand the reform processes of supreme audit institutions in transition countries, as we have experienced a transition period ourselves.
  • Our auditors communicate not only in English, but also in Russian, which greatly facilitates cooperation with the supreme audit institutions in Eastern Partnership and other neighbouring countries.




By providing development and advisory support, we promote recognition and reputation of the State Audit Office our country internationally. We offer advisory and development support not only in Europe, but also in Central Asia, Asia, and Africa.


We cooperate through various mechanisms:

  • bilateral cooperation between supreme audit institutions (memoranda of cooperation);
  • technical assistance projects concluded as a result of international tenders (incl. working in consortia with other supreme audit institutions and  consulting companies);
  • Twinning projects (projects between public sector institutions of the EU Member States and the EU candidate countries);
  • involvement of individual employees of the State Audit Office as experts in projects of international organisations and donors (OECD/Sigma, World Bank, etc.);
  • The State Audit Office as an international donor and cooperation partner of the INTOSAI Development Initiative.