EU funded projects



Project title: European Social Fund Project No. Professional Improvement of Public Sector Auditors in the Field of Arranging the Business Environment, Preventing Corruption and Eliminating Informal Economy


Beneficiary: State Audit Office of Latvia

Budget and its source: 299 745.90 EUR, including ESF funding – 254 784.01 EUR and state budget funding – 44 961.89 EUR


Goal of the Project: to ensure the professional development of the professionals involved in the public sector auditing, which, taking into account the preventive role of public sector audits in identifying and reducing corruption and other risks affecting economic development, promotes the propriety of the business environment, reduce the shadow economy and corruption, and improve the legal framework. The target group of the project is the audit and administrative staff of the State Audit Office, which in accordance with the State Audit Office Law conducts the public sector audits, as well as the internal auditors of the public sector, who in accordance with the Law on Internal Audit conducts the internal audits.


Main activities:

  • specialized training programe in the field of specific support objective;
  • implementation of a coordinated training program with public sector internal auditors on practical application of ISSAI standards;
  • transfer of international experience and good practice, which promotes the achievement of the specific support goal - measures to increase the professional competence of staff implemented abroad (seminars, conferences, exchange of experience, study visits);
  • implementation of individual professional development activities of the audit teams, ensuring a coordinated and integrative approach and envisaging the use of practical and theoretical knowledge in performing pilot audits in the field of specific support objective; within the framework of pilot audits, audit groups shall practically apply and test the knowledge acquired in practical and theoretical training and the experience gained within the framework of the involved industry experts or international cooperation.

Combining the knowledge acquired in the practical seminars and the expert consulting services provided, the staff of the audit team will significantly increase their professional competence by integrating the practical knowledge in the process of conducting pilot audits. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to train 597 persons and ensure the increase of professional competence for 151 person.


Implementer: State Audit Office of Latvia


Implementation time period: January 2017 – September 2020