Auditing Standards
The State Audit Office performs audits in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISSAI) issued by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) describing the methods of auditing. The State Audit Office Law and the Audit Services Law recognise the ISSAI standards as international auditing standards applicable in the Republic of Latvia. The Auditor General endorses the application of the ISSAI standards in public sector auditing by issuing a decree of the Auditor General on the setting international standards on public sector auditing.
In addition to auditing standards, the INTOSAI has developed the Guidance for Good Governance (INTOSAI GUID) which aggregate the best practice for institutions in respect to administration of budget funds.
The latest ISSAI standards in English are available at Up-to-date information on the International Financial Auditing Standards (ISSAI 2000-2899) issued by the International Federation of Accountants applied during the financial audits in English is available at website