The State Audit Office of Latvia invites you to the Regional Media Day


Dear Representatives of Regional Mass Media,

We kindly invite you to the Regional Media Day organized by the State Audit Office of Latvia, which will take place online from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. on 24 September 2024 on the MS Teams platform (the link will be sent to those interested).

During the meeting, we will inform you about the latest published audits of the State Audit Office of Latvia, in which the conclusions and recommendations are particularly relevant in the regional context, and we will also answer your questions.

The preliminary agenda of the event is available here.

Please inform about your participation in the event by September 19 (inclusive) by applying at this link.

The preliminary agenda of the event is available here.

See you soon!


About the State Audit Office of Latvia

The State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia is an independent, collegial supreme audit institution. The purpose of its activity is to find out whether the actions with the financial means and property of a public entity are legal, correct, useful and in line with public interests, as well as to provide recommendations for the elimination of discovered irregularities. The State Audit Office conducts audits in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions INTOSAI (ISSAI), whose recognition in Latvia is determined by the Auditor General. Upon discovering deficiencies, the State Audit Office of Latvia provides recommendations for their elimination, but it informs law enforcement authorities about potential infringements of the law.


Additional information

Ms Gunta Krevica

Head of PR and Internal Communication Division

Ph. 23282332 | E-mail: