Responsible authorities are uninterested and indifferent in dealing with children with special needs


Society is not homogeneous in any country, and Latvia is no exception. We have children with special needs, whose development and educational process also require the support of the state and the community. Most recently, the State Audit Office conducted a large-scale audit to determine whether children with special needs had the opportunity to receive education that met their abilities and needs. Unfortunately, the conclusions are harsh enough and indicate the lack of interest and even indifference of the responsible institutions in solving the issues of children with special needs.

Ms Maija Āboliņa, Member of the State Audit Office Council and Director of the Third Audit Department, Ms Ieva Pīpiķe, Head of the Sector, Ms Aiga Villa, Senior State Auditor, and experts from outside or rather real life, who also participated in our audit: Ms Andrija Likova, Family Psychotherapy Expert and Mr Māris Grāvis, Chair of the Board of Association Riga City Child of Care join our conversation about the audit findings.