Privacy Policy

The purpose of the privacy policy of the State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia (hereinafter referred to as the State Audit Office) is to provide an individual,  a data subject, with information about the purpose, extent and protection of personal data processing, as well as other information when processing the data subject’s personal data.

Contact information of the State Audit Office: registered office: 50 Skanstes Street, Riga, LV-1013; phone number: +371 67017500; E-mail:

The processing of personal data of the State Audit Office, depending on the place and type of personal data acquisition, is carried out in its Administration building.

The State Audit Office safeguards the confidentiality of personal data and has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures in the field of personal data protection. Personal data protection specialists ensure the compliance of personal data processing by the State Audit Office. 

You can contact the personal data protection specialists of the State Audit Office, Mr Uldis Sīpols or Mr Āris Augstkalns, in matters of data protection, by calling +371 26658265 or +371 26222244 or by writing to We do hereby inform you that the mentioned methods of communication with the personal data protection specialists of the State Audit Office are not intended for news requests when realizing your rights as a data subject.


We inform you that the State Audit Office may change this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy), so check this Policy to ensure that you are informed and familiar with its changes.

This policy was last updated on 26 March 2022.


Purposes, legal bases, and principles of personal data processing

The State Audit Office performs the functions and tasks delegated by the state, which are defined in the State Audit Office Law, and therefore processes a large amount of various personal data.

The State Audit Office processes personal data mainly for the following purposes:

  • For HR management such as concluding and executing an employment contract; drafting orders and other employment-related documents; ensuring social benefits of employees (organization of health insurance, etc.); control of working time and performance of duties; complying with the established fire safety and occupational safety regulations, including mandatory health examinations; evaluating the performance and learning results of employees.
  • For an accounting of financial management such as the fulfilment of accounting requirements concerning the calculation of wages, including relevant justification documents; preparation and submission of information to the State Revenue Service; issuing letters of reference.
  • For information technology management, for example, providing access to and administration of technology resources, premises, and territory of the State Audit Office; for the collection of statistics and analysis on the visits to the website of the State Audit Office.
  • To provide the safety of employees and visitors of the State Audit Office.
  • For conducting audits following the provisions of the State Audit Office Law.
  • For detecting and evaluating violations concerning damage caused by illegal actions, including providing information to law enforcement authorities.
  • For the fulfilment of legal obligations set out in laws and regulations.
  • For establishing and maintaining contractual relations with a data subject.
  • Carrying out tasks in the public interest, realizing the powers granted to the State Audit Office.


We notify that personal data is primarily processed for the fulfilment of the relevant tasks of the State Audit Office and the realization of its functions, to the extent necessary for this, by the statutory requirements.


The State Audit Office processes your personal data based on the following legal grounds:

  • Following your express, free and unequivocal consent.
  • Data processing results from your contractual obligations as a data subject or taking measures upon request before concluding a contract.
  • Processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation applicable to the State Audit Office.
  • Processing is required to fulfil a task in the public interest or exercise the official powers legally granted to the State Audit Office.
  • Processing is necessary to implement the legitimate interests of the State Audit Office, you or a third party.


The list of data processing purposes included in this Privacy Disclaimer is not exhaustive; personal data of individuals may also be processed for purposes not mentioned in this Privacy Disclaimer.

Video surveillance
The State Audit Office carries out video surveillance to protect property against third parties’ illegal actions, preventing infringement of property rights, reckless use, damage, theft, and other ownership threats.
Information about video surveillance is placed in the form of warning signs in front of the video surveillance area.

We inform you that only parties authorized by the State Audit Office may access video surveillance recordings in connection with the achievement of the goals of personal data processing.


Recipients of personal data
State and municipal institutions may receive personal data from the State Audit Office under the procedures specified in the laws and regulations, for example, the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, the State Revenue Service, the State Social Insurance Agency, and operational entities, etc.
The State Audit Office does not transfer information to third parties without a legal basis and registers individuals who have obtained information from the State Audit Office per the procedures specified in the laws and regulations.
The State Audit Office may use personal data processors for processing personal data. In such cases, the State Audit Office takes the necessary measures to ensure that such personal data processors process personal data following the instructions of the State Audit Office and applicable regulatory legislation and request the implementation of appropriate security measures.
We inform you that personal data is not intended to be sent to a third country. In certain cases, if transferring your personal data to a third country will be required, we will do so when we have the right to do so and ensure a sufficient level of protection.

Duration of storage of personal data
The State Audit Office stores personal data following the defined purposes of personal data processing and the legal basis of personal data processing as long as at least one of the following criteria exists:

  • The State Audit Office has a legal obligation to store data;
  • The State Audit Office needs to realize its legitimate interests;
  • The State Audit Office must fulfil the assumed contractual commitments;
  • The data subject’s consent to the relevant processing of personal data is valid;
  • Video surveillance data is stored no longer than 7 (seven) days after its recording; then it is deleted after the relevant term (except for cases when storage is required by law enforcement authorities for the investigation of criminal offences).


Access to your personal data and other rights of the data subject

  • To receive information about personal data processed by the State Audit Office as a data subject, the data subject has the right to apply to the State Audit Office and obtain information under the procedures specified in the laws and regulations.
  • A data subject has the right to request the restriction of personal data processing, to object to the processing of personal data, to request the correction of personal data, and their deletion in certain cases following the provisions of the Regulation.
  • The State Audit Office communicates with a data subject: personally in person, having previously identified the data subject; by mail by sending items to the specified residential address of an individual as registered mail; communicating via E-mail by replying to the same E-mail from which the data subject has sent a submission signed with a secure electronic signature; upon receiving a submission through the website
  • In cases where violations of personal data protection are detected, or there is a suspicion of a potential breach, we invite you to contact the State Audit Office or the data protection specialists of the State Audit Office. Complaints about violations of personal data protection can also be submitted to the personal data supervisory authority - State Data Inspectorate (address 17 Elijas Street, Riga, LV-1050).


Profiling is any kind of automatic processing of personal data to analyze or predict you. The State Audit Office does not carry out profiling.


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